Physics is the most systematic, interesting, useful, logical and colourful subject. But the irony is that:
Most of so called Tootrs(Tutors) make it most boring, fearsome and colourless subject.
Physics and Maths are the theoretico-practical subjects and they must emerge from the very heart of the teacher. But unfortunately Physics is taught with an open book or notes in the hands of so called teacher. How can a person teach a subject like Physics while s/he is simultaneously reading it openly or clandestinely????????
Alas! Innocent students fall in the trap of sheep-follow-sheep policy, join education-shops because their friends have done so. There is no time to repent once 3-4 months are passed.
Physics becomes the simplest and most entertaining subject If Concepts are Clear.
But again the irony is that these Tootrs/Bhaiya/Didi/Nukkad Wale Master Ji have contradictions in their Concepts of Physics.
It is never too late to mend. You can still complete your course in next 4 months. Contact me immediately. Believe me Physics will be a child’s play for u. Dial 9810269584 or 9266782222